It's another $10 off $50 week at Shop n Save!! And there are definitely some good deals to be had.

There is a great Catalina deal on Splenda. WYB 2 Splenda you get a $3 coupon valid OYNO (on your next order) and if you buy 3 you can get $4 OYNO! I did both of these scenarios using the $3 off any 80 ct Splenda or more from the 4/17 SS. The store I shopped in had the 80 ct Splenda for $4.56! After coupons I paid $7.30 and got back $7 in Catalinas!!

I did a late Shop N Save trip (or early depending on how you look at it) so I could show you the deals! My total before coupons was 52.83 and I paid $.69!!!
Shop n Save is having another Catalina deal this week where you get $5 back OYNO when you buy 10 products!
I bought 5 Stove Tops at $1.24 using the $.50 coupon in 4/3 SS and 5 Kraft Big Slice Cheese at $2.50 using the $1 off coupon from the 4/17 SS!
But those aren't the only items that match up for the Catalina deal....
Crystal Light drink mix on sale for $1.50 and Use the B2G1 Coupon in the 4/3 SS
Kraft Salad Dressing on sale for $1.67 and use the $1 off 2 coupon from the 4/10 SS
Kraft Shredded Cheese on sale for $1.78 and use the $1 off 2 coupon from the 3/13 SS
Ritz Crackerfuls on sale for $2.50 and use the $1 off coupon from the 4/17 SS
But the Kraft deals aren't the only good deals this week!
I picked up 6 Fuze drinks on sale for $1 and used the $1 off 2 coupons from the 4/10 SS
I also picked up 5 boxes of Quick Cook Pasta on sale for $1 and used the $.55 off coupn from the 4/10 SS
McCormick Grillmate spices are still on sale for $1 and I used the $.75 off coupon from the 4/10 RP
Philadelphia Cooking Creme is also still on sale for $2. Use the $1.50 off coupon from the 3/6 SS and score it for .50!
I also used the $2 off any Purina Beyond Cat food on the small boxes that were $2.48, so only $.48 after coupon. I bought 5 and will be donating them to Stray Rescue St Louis!
I bought 2 cans of Dole Pineapple and used the $.50 off 2 coupon from the 4/10 SS. Cool Whip is on sale for $.88 and while I didn't have a coupon, I still thought it was a good price.
I also used two Free product coupons to buy my 12 pk of Coke Zero Vanilla and a 20 oz Cherry Coke I got from My Coke Rewards! I gave up Soda for Lent so I bought that Cherry Coke (my fav) to have Easter morning!
And since it was a $10 off $50 Thursday, I got $10 off and I used the $5 off $50 coupon from the St Louis Entertainment Book!
And just an FYI, Walgreens will have 100 ct packages of Splenda on sale for $2.99 next week and is offering Register Rewards in the same increments mentioned above. So after the coupons and RR it will be a Money Maker if you save those Splenda coupons!!!
Did you take advantage of the $10 off $50? If so, how'd you do?
Happy Shopping!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Still trying to figure ut how you do it. I am definitely not a numbers person and maybe I need to be to get it totally. I just wish I had the time to go through and figure it all out. No matter what I still come out paying a ton on groceries and I use coupons. Ugh! Maybe one of these days I'll get it.
ReplyDeleteI always have huge problems using coupons at SnS. Today the cashier had to call the mgr. over twice and it took the manager over 5 min. to come and unlock the register. I had 14 coupons that saved me $12.00 plus the $10 off of $50. The cashier acted like I was the problem and said he never sees people with that many coupons.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get as great a deal as you did today but still did pretty well!!! I saved $27 dollars with coupons and the $10 off!! I have used coupons for awhile but now I have realized how to really work it to save even more and just made a coupon binder!! I love it so much! I am a work in progress and will get a cart full of groceries for super cheap soon I just know it!!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe I missed this at some point, but what is a catalina deal?
ReplyDeleteI'm still figuring out how you do it but. I go yesturday and I paid $27.72 with the $10 off and all my coupons and I thought that was pretty good. I'm sure I'll get better at it. My thing is there are a lot of coupons out there for things we don't use.