Oh Shop N Save, you break my heart... No $10 off $50 this week.
While there is no $10 off $50 this week there are still some decent deals.
Lays Kettle Cooked Chips and Rold Gold Pretzels are still on sale for $1.98. Use the $2 off 2 coupon from the 5/1 Moments to Save Insert and pay just $.98 each. And to make this even better, use the Free Sierra Mist Natural Coupon wyb Lays Kettle Cooked Chips from the 5/1 Moments to save!!! This might be a good sale to stock up on with Memorial Day right around the corner... And the start of summer!
Kelloggs Fiber Plus Bars are on sale for $2.50 and use the $1 off 2 coupon from the 4/17 RP!
There is also a Catalina deal at Shop N Save on ConAgra products! If you spend $25 in participating products you get a $10 Catalina! I have the participating products and coupon match ups below!
Rosarita Refried Beans on sale for $1. Use the $.50 off 2 coupon from the 5/1 SS!
Hunts Ketchup is on sale for $.94! Use the $.25 coupon from Here and use zip code 19057!
Pam Cooking Spray is on sale for $2.50 and use the $.35 off coupon from the 4/3 SS!
Orville Reddenbacher Popcorn (3 ct) on sale for $2 and use the $.55 off the Pop up bowls coupon from the 4/17 SS!
And Reddi Whip is on sale for $2.38 and use the $.35 coupon in the 4/3 SS!
But those aren't the only items that work with the catalina!
Hunts diced tomatoes on sale for $.98!
Guldens Spicy Brown Mustard, Chef Boyardee, Crunch n Munch and Banquet meals are all on sale for $1!
Peter Pan Peanut Butter on sale for $1!
To check out the rest of the items included in the Catalina go Here!
Happy Shopping!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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