Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunday Coupon Insert Preview 5/22

This Sunday look for one smartsource and one redplum insert in the paper!

Some of the coupons that caught my eye that should be coming out this week are a B1G1 Degree Deodorant coupon and $1.25 off 3 Ragu!!

I personally buy 5 papers every week regardless of how many inserts are in the paper. So if you are looking to buy more of an item I would buy more papers that week!

I have been hearing that some people are having trouble with getting all of their inserts in their papers. Sometimes this is caused by a regional difference. For instance, if you buy the Belleville New Democrat you might not get all of the same coupons that the St Louis Post Dispatch because the St Louis area is a bigger market. It is the same way with my parent's area. They live outside of DC, but if they get their local paper, The Free Lance Star, the inserts are smaller and the coupons are a lower value. But if they were to buy the Washington Post, their are more coupons and a lot of times they are higher value.

Another tip I have when it comes to buying papers is that when you are buying them, check through them to make sure all of the inserts are in there! I can't tell you how many times I have saved myself all kinds of grief by just taking a minute and to make sure ALL of the expected inserts are in the paper. This happened a few weeks ago to me. I went to 3 stores trying to find a paper that had all 6 inserts in it. I ended up giving up my search on Saturday after I couldn't find a single red plum insert! I went back out early on Sunday and checked a gas station and sure enough, the papers there had all of the inserts. So if you can spare a minute, just flip through the insert area of the paper and make sure you are buying a paper will all of the inserts!

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